Lectures on the Philosophy of Spinoza
רק מזכירים לך שלא שופטים ספר לפי הכריכה שלו 😉
Lectures on the Philosophy of Spinoza

Lectures on the Philosophy of Spinoza

ספר מודפס

עוד על הספר


Spinoza's philosophy has been described as "the starting point of all philosophical thought", and all agree about its importance in this area. His philosophy, like every great one, is not one for other philosophers alone, but offers answers to concrete questions which affect each person. He presents a way to attain the "good life", one in which man can overcome his fears, especially the fear of death.
The author, Professor Yosef Ben-Shlomo, is the Chairman of the Department of Jewish Philosophy, Tel Aviv University. In this book, Professor Ben-Shlomo gives an overview of Spinoza's philosophy and discusses the relationship between his philosophy and Judaism.

עוד על הספר

Lectures on the Philosophy of Spinoza יוסף בן־שלמה

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